Heal soft tissue injuries 50% faster with Equine Light Therapy®.
Large Light Therapy pad
We know from the research that light therapy helps promote tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation, increase circulation, and relieve pain which aids in the maintenance and recovery of tendon, ligament, and soft tissue injuries.
Our Medium Light Therapy pad wrapped around the hock.
To learn more about how light therapy works, click here.
We know from our customers that it works!
“Thank goodness for your product! My horse did minor damage to his suspensory and major damage to his check ligament and the prognosis was pretty grim.” ~Lindsay
July 1st 2020 my horse did minor damage to his suspensory and major damage to his check ligament and the prognosis was pretty grim. I was advised that potentially it could take up to 18 – 24 months to heal based on his age, size and the extent of the damage. I had read Gospel Hour’s story and figured if the red light therapy could help him it could surely help my horse.
I started red lighting him immediately after his first ultrasound and prognosis July 23rd 2020 and saw the results of the treatment start to show in his second ultrasound at the end of October.
I was thrilled when I got to peek over the vet’s shoulder to see the healing and I have attached both photos for you to see. The regrowth is way better than expected and the vet said to me that another horse she had looked at, same size, same age, and same damage didn’t look anywhere near as good 3 months into rehab.
His third ultrasound was yesterday January 21st 2021 and his suspensory and check ligament shows no gaps and no irregularities with a good prognosis, I just need to complete his rehab. I firmly believe that his rehab was cut down by 12 months because of daily use of the red light pad and the vet telling me that whatever I was doing was working. I used the itty bitty to specifically focus on that area and to further confirm its effectiveness it was noted that there was a small portion of the ligament which was not quite as dense looking as the rest and that was directly above where the itty bitty pad ended and I have now switched it out to the medium pad so that I can ensure that that area is now covered and will continue to red light him until his hopefully final ultrasound in March 2021. I have attached the ultrasound images which show the extent of the damage from his ultrasound in July and October and January!
~Lindsay F.
Deep Digital Flexor Tendon, Possible Career Ender
February 28th to June 25th. Some things just work synergistically, great supplements, light therapy and a wonderful farrier, add a dedicated owner and see the healing! Deep digital flexor tendon hole! Whew!
“We assumed a soft tissue injury and it was confirmed that it was her deep digital flexor tendon that was injured when we did an ultrasound. I’ll never forget my eyes welling up with happy tears as the vet went over the ultrasound after 3 months of using the According to "Gospel"...Equine Light Therapy, Back on Track, and corrective shoes from Chuck Bushmire Farrier Service. Hearing the disbelief in his voice as he talked through what he was showing me: the gigantic lesions had disappeared! I asked him about her future, he said to try light riding in August and see how she does. It’s been a LONG hard road, but I didn’t see significant changes until I started with the regular red light therapy! The proof is in the photos! She’s on the right track and it looks like we will be riding her by late summer “
Hind suspensory tear
Hailee's Story
Just wanted to share how great your product is and I'm a firm believer now. My mare tore her hind suspensory and was told she would need at least 6 months off and most likely more without extra treatment. Took her back today for a check-up just to make sure she was making progress (almost at 4 months). Come to find out it has completely healed and 2 months faster than what was normal for a tear like hers! I used your product 3 days a week. Thanks!
~Hailee G.
The injuries were extensive: Tibial Fracture, Lateral Collateral Ligament Rupture, Disruption of Medial and Lateral Meniscus, Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture, and Fibula Fracture.
There are no documented success stories of horses who recover from this type of injury. In fact, the literature says the only answer is Euthanasia.
My 25-year-old Quarter Horse gelding, Roy, followed our 2 mares over the pasture fence to the neighbors' pasture, where 8 new horses had recently moved in.....
Those new horses must have ganged up on Roy, when I found him the next morning he was covered in bite marks, scratches from barbed wire, and horseshoe prints. Roy was hiding at the far end of their pasture. I didn't realize how bad he was hurt, until Mike Caruso, DVM (Orthopedic Specialist) from Tn Equine Hospital evaluated him. The injuries were extensive: Tibial Fracture, Lateral Collateral Ligament Rupture, Disruption of Medial and Lateral Meniscus, Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture, and Fibula Fracture.
It would be risky transporting him to the hospital and with his age at 25, added to the increased surgical risk. We treated him conservatively, and one of the things we did from the start was the Equine Light Therapy twice daily X 15 minutes each session, for several months as recommended. Roy tolerated the Light Therapy well and he would move his leg around to where he wanted the Light Therapy pad.
Symphytum twice a week, Massage And Acupuncture therapy, NSAIDs daily, etc also part of the regimen.
Roy is 8 months out, post-injury, and back out in the pasture. Dr. Mike said it is a miracle as Roy's bones have healed and aligned themselves on X-ray. Roy can even run at a good gait. Although he walks with a limp now, he is back to being a normal horse! Thank you for developing this awesome product! I am convinced It aided in the healing process!
There are no documented success stories of horses who recover from this type of injury. In fact, the literature says the only answer is Euthanasia.
Roy is a very special horse and doing well now. We both want to thank you.
Julie and Roy
The vet's words were, "I am very concerned about this injury. It could possibly be career ending."
Several years ago my Preliminary horse bowed both front tendons on a muddy cross country course. The vet's words were, "I am very concerned about this injury. It could possibly be career ending."
Obviously I was devastated and I was committed to giving this horse the best recovery possible.
I began using the Equine Light Therapy pad twice a day on both legs. Along with a very strategic turnout schedule and a slow, progressive conditioning program, in a year he was competing again! And in just over a year he was back at the Preliminary level. I truly believe he would never have made such an astounding recovery without the light therapy pad. He returned to competition better than ever! Now, when I feel his tendons, I can't even tell he bowed! Totally amazing!
Amy Wise, Panther Springs Farm
Even though the technology used is quite complex, the application is very simple. We designed our pads to have the strength and efficacy to satisfy the healthcare professional and the safety and ease of use to be used by a layperson. Our Light Therapy pads come in four sizes, so you can have the size that is perfect for your needs. Always consult your veterinarian first when a problem arises.
If you have questions, send us an email or give us a call.
To learn more about light therapy and how it can help heal, click here.